Over the last couple of weeks I have received Leibster blog awards from 3 lovely ladies.
Lou from One Crafty MINKs, Allison from Stamping and Crafting with Ally and Kylie from Scrappinstamp

About the Leibster award : Some time (in the recent past), somewhere (rumor has it that it might be Germany), someone (I’m guessing he/she was named Liebster) decided to do something nice for a whole lot of bloggers and started the Liebster Blog Award.
It’s an award you receive, but it is also an award that you give. If you receive a Liebster Blog Award you are asked to choose 3-5 other bloggers and send them one as well.
It is an award meant to highlight smaller blogs - less than 200 followers. It just lets them know that we care and are reading.
The idea is that the blogger receiving the award links back to the blogger who awarded him/her, and then chooses 3-5 people to send the award to.
It’s a way of sending cyber hugs I guess to people whose blogs we enjoy reading.
I’m so glad you enjoy visiting my blog ladies and thanks for the award. Please check out their blogs, they are all talented crafters :)
I do have a very small number of followers but I am almost at 100 now! WOW! I never thought I would get that many. I only need 2 more and I hit that magic number :) So I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who follows my blog through the good and not so good cards, I really appreciate it :)
Now I hope I’m not breaking any rules with this award giving but when I got the first award I didn’t do anything about it straight away because I wasn’t sure who to give the award to. (I didn’t want to leave anyone out. I visit a lot of blogs. I should spend as much time making cards as blog hopping and I could have a new card on my blog every day!) I do visit a lot that have more than 200 followers (imagine being that popular!) and the other blogs I get inspired by and visit often are the JAI team members blogs. So I have decided to award this to each of them.
Now I think this is still legal because if I’m allowed to choose 5 and 3 people gave me that award then I should get 15 right? :)
- Chantell Randall
- Christine Blain
- Delys Cram
- Jo Eades
- Jodene Tripp
- Kim Badelt
- Mae Collins
- Narelle Farrugia
- Nikki Spencer
- Patrice Easton
- Ruth Clarke
- Tina Gillespie
- Trish Radacs
My 10 year old daughter Kate has also recently started her own blog. She has even entered a few card challenges and loves it. I would like to pass this award on to her too. She got her first follower (who wasn't a family member) last week and you should have seen the excitement! :) I love seeing what she creates and reading her blog entries.
Please take a look at these blogs if you can, they are all wonderful.